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Durable Solutions

Pilot Project on Unaccompanied Minors

SCEP partners involved in the project

Irish Refugee Council – Co-ordinator

Defence for Children – ECPAT
“Hope For Children” UNCRC Policy Center
The Greek Council for Refugees
The Human Rights League
Platform Kinderen op de vlucht – Plate-forme Mineurs en exil
Bundesfachverband Unbegleitete Minderjährige Flüchtlinge

1 May 2014 – 1 November 2015

Project Description
A durable solution assessment is not only an integral step in determining if a child should return to their country of origin, but is also important in determining whether it is in the best interest of the child to apply for international protection, trafficking protection or to make an application to stay in the country of arrival on immigration or human rights and children’s rights grounds. 

The main objectives of the research focus on the methodology behind arriving at the durable solution for the child. Final products, published in 2015, will be 8 national reports for the participating countries, 1 international report, comparative in nature highlighting good practice in this area and guidance and tools for service providers relating to the methodology of determining the durable solution. 

The beneficiaries will be first and foremost service providers working with separated children, including: social workers, guardians, lawyers, carers and State bodies. They will be involved from the early stages of the project and continue to be involved throughout the national dissemination process.  Separated children and young people will also be involved from an early stage learning about the Convention on the Rights of the Child and UNHCR guidelines in respect of the best interest and durable solution and influencing the projects findings through voicing their views in focus groups. 

More information
Samantha Arnold, Irish Refugee Council
[email protected]


SCEP partners involved in the project
Menedek Hungarian Association for Migration


1 January 2013 - 31 December 2013

Project Description
The project aims to supplement government-supported services in order to enhance the integration of refugees and beneficiaries of subsidiary protection status.
Our project work includes operating a social Counseling Service Center. Using individual case study methodology, we aim to help our clients with questions on issues related to institutional, bureaucratic, educational, accommodation and labor market matters. In addition, we assist them in obtaining their legal status, individually managing their lives and resolving intra-family difficulties. The project also provides different free time activities for adults and children in order to interact with people in similar situations, to build and maintain interpersonal ties and networks, to work out their common difficulties in a group setting, and to share their success stories with each other. In our 'Community House' we also provide tutoring, Hungarian classes, and summer camp for children.

More information

Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) - coordinated by Defence for Children The Netherlands - PO BOX 11103 - 2301 EC - Leiden - 0031 (0)71 516 09 80 - [email protected]