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Position papers

Over the years, the Separated Children in Europe Programme has published several position papers on varying topics, the most recent one being the Position Paper on Age Assessment (2012). This Paper represents the position of the SCEP on age assessment in the context of separated children in Europe, and is based on reviews of policy and practice regarding age assessment in 16 European countries.

Through this Position Paper, SCEP aims to provide concrete recommendations to States and other relevant stakeholders on how to ensure full respect of the rights that separated children are entitled to, when doubts concerning their age may arise. This Paper forms the basis for SCEP's advocacy around age assessment in Europe.     

Position Paper Age Assessment

Position Paper Age Assessment 2012.jpg

Other languages



Review Report Age Assessment

Age Assessment Review 2011.jpg

For more information about the position papers, please contact the coordinator of the Separated Children in Europe Programme, Defence for Children, at [email protected].

Separated Children in Europe Programme (SCEP) - coordinated by Defence for Children The Netherlands - PO BOX 11103 - 2301 EC - Leiden - 0031 (0)71 516 09 80 - [email protected]